2 min read
29 Sep

The most common mistake we made after airbrushing tan was showering too soon. So what do you need to do during your first shower after skin tan? First, rinse smoothly under the warm wash for at least 3 minutes. Second, only wash your hair before the airbrush tan; shampoo and condition can protect your tan from growing.

Stay in the shower till the bronze color washes. To stay longer in the shower means it will be affected, and you will arrive with blotches.

Keep reading and check the details, how long to stay in the shower, there are so many things you need to know.

Shower after an airbrush tan

Tanning salons give step by step guides on everything you need to do before. Then, during and after your tan, onward with everything you might need to know and make the most out of your new skin tan.

Before the first shower

You will not see the full-color development before take the first shower. Because the brush tan can take 24 hours to reveal the full color. So, not much to do when you are preparing your first shower.

Remember to add loose-fitting clothes after the tanning appointment, avoid the tights, cause it creates the tan lines. In addition, use baby powder under your armpits and other sweating-prone areas.

Ensure to wait for the full recommended time to develop before heading into the shower. Washing too soon will be the reason for your tan to wash away; it will not be dark as you want.

During the first shower

Many tans include bronzer, and it instantly turns the skin well-tanned bronze color. The natural ingredients tan develop the skin tone, and this bronzer will wash off during your first shower.

If you see that your skin changes throughout the first shower, don't panic, it's the bronzer wash away. However, the product will grow in your skin over the next few hours. Moreover, instead, use only warm water, an oil-free body wash is also suited, and you can use it on your airbrush tanning skin. One important thing, don't scrub the skin too brutally, no need to peel it.

Kindly use the oil-free wash; it is the best solution. Bronzer tan lets the water run over skin until it is clear, so avoid using any soap or body washes with chemicals. On the other hand, ammonia in your urine can be the reaction of the tan; it is interrupted and leads to a band down your leg.

After your first shower

Once you finished your first shower, you should dry your skin. So, do not rub your skin with a towel; otherwise, UV-free tanning be removed and not develop a dark color. Instead of it, you can use a soft towel and gently dry your skin. Even it is best to use a light color towel instead of dark.

After your shower, don't use oily lotions or moisturizers; otherwise, it damages the tan. So, use light cream to avoid closing pores and create breakouts.

How long should you wait before the first shower?

Some products work faster; if your tanning salons technician doesn't tell, wait at least 8 hours before the first shower. It gives enough time to produce to develop a dark tone and showering before stop the reaction.

Suppose you want to deep and dark tan wait 12 hours before showering. More time for the dark color to develop and remember the color will continue to grow after the shower.

In a nutshell:

Airbrush tanning is a perfect choice, so book an appointment with our Air-Tan experts and glow your skin. The perfect tan develops faster after tanning and gives some incredible changes in your look. Once you showered after the tab, it will continue to grow darker over the next couple of hours. Wait one day to determine how dark your tan is to decide your head back for the second session.

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